Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Dear Birthers & Other Ignoramos Conspirator TheoristsY

Dear Birthers & Other Ignoramous Conspirator Theorists:

You make me so sad I cry every time I read something written my you. I saw one of you in a crowd and picked you out by your clothing and demeanor. Listening to you talk makes me cry all night and worry about things like: "Where is civilization going?" "Where did our schools go wrong?" "Should people have to have a license to have children?" And, "Why isn't logic taught in school anymore?"

I love you and wish that I could help unravel that tangled mass -- or, is it mess -- of neurons in your poor head,

I just read one of your articles.

Someone just posted an radio blog on the DPRC page asserting that too many coincidences constitute proof (as in circumstantial evidence in a trial) that Obama is Communist & Muslim.

It was along the lines of: President Obama worked with Mr. X whose wife was friends with Mr. Y whose sister was married to a prominent Muslim whose best friend was  a Communist...

So, it was the most pathetic thing  I have ever heard -- or the best example of nonsense!

In 1979, MK & I went to a dinner party in NC where everyone present knew my major professor from the UW-Seattle!!!

 COINCIDENCE OR CONSPIRACY BY 8 PEOPLE TO DOMINATE THE FIELD OF MENTAL HEALTH????  I went to graduate school at UW-Seattle. One couple had a daughter who also went to graduate school there and had the same major professor. Another couple had met him at a conference.

What an utterly wild coincidence -- and, it was. But... not quite so completely crazy.

BECAUSE we all worked in the field of mental health. We all went to major universities. We all had mental health or social work degrees. There is a lot of exchange between the major universities. Parents visit their children when they are at university.

 BUT... There's more... The new chair of the psych department at UNC was from UW-Madison, I heard him speak at a conference in Chapel Hill before we moved to Madison  I went to work at UW-Madison and MK knew many people who knew the former chair of the UW-Madison Department of Psychiatry who was now in Chapel Hill and...


YES, it is a small world!  YES, people in the same fields tend to know many of the same people. Especially in the world of politics where everything depends on who you know and how many people you know.

YES, guess what happened after the "wild and wooly radical 60's?" The radicals went back to class, graduated, and got jobs in their father's companies, became college professors, bought houses in the suburbs. Yes, Barack Obama's radical 60's friends (who were radicals before he was born) are now members of the establishment.

YES, people hire people they know so more people tend to know more people that know each other.

And, , YES ere are a few Communists and Socialist around. Those are political parties -- not dirty words that we call our enemies on the playground. Words that even have definitions and have nothing to do President Obama.

So, LOUDLY NOW: if you believe President Obama was born anywhere other than Hawaii, you are nuttier than a fruit cake. If you believe that President Obama is a Muslim you are bat-poop crazy. If you believe that he did not deserve to go the excellent universities that he went to on his own merit, you are simply a racist pig--the man is brilliant whether you like him or not.

Hmmm, I am the most boring person on earth, but if I dig far enough! Ha!
I know a Muslim and an Anarchist, both are from Madison, they both drink coffee, they both drive cars and breathe oxygen, they are both women, they are both brunettes,,,

Ha! I have just proved that I am an Anarchist Muslim who was born in... somewhere else... of Anarchist Muslim parents who plan on going... somewhere and planting the seeds of...DEMOCRACY!

Long live logic! Oh, I hope I haven't hurt your feelings! But, if I didn't tell you these things, who would? It is only because I love you & I don't want people to talk behind your back.

As my sainted Mother used to say to me, "OH, for God's sake! Don't be a moron!"

Much love and many blessings. May your neurons fire sequentially for many years to come!

Your friend,


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