Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Dear Democracy

 Dear Democracy;

This is a serious and sad reflection. I am fearful that I will see an end to democracy in the USA in my lifetime. 


Autocracy. Fascism. Absolutism. Despotism. Dictatorship.

--> An authoritarian takeover of our country is going on right now

--> Democracy is at stake

--> Voting rights are on the ballot

--> The next #insurrection will be successful

--> Republicans are consiciously purposefully killing us with their lies

Trumperism = Authoritarianism

The (authoritarian) followers of the current day Republican Party and DJT are handicapped by ignorance, thinking errors, and authoritarian beliefs. 

But, the authoritarian leaders of the USA – DJT and the Republican Party  – are intentionally destroying democracy for their own profit and power.

They are all guilty:






The evil that we are facing cannot be comprehended by sane people with a heart and a conscious.  Ask any survivor of any #Holocaust.

Read & share this book. Professor Altemeyer has made it free to down load. Or, you can buy a print edition easily.



With all my heart, Vivian