Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dear Political Liars

Dear Political Liars:

I so wish you could have known my mother--either as a mother or a teacher. Pretty sure she would have just loved you to death. You would have had so much respect for her. Fear and respect.

She isn't here to help you grow up to be good, honest, strong, moral, honest, altruistic, honest, competent, loving, thoughtful, honest, compassionate, intelligent, honest men so I am just going to pass on a couple of her rules.

You do know that I wrote "men" not because I am a sexist, but because it appears to me that women are generally your moral superiors and you need a little more help than women!  Oops? Was that stereotyping? I think the Nuns on the Bus agree!  Does that make me a sexist. This is confusing!

I will skip the 1001 rules about not standing in doorways when people are trying to pass through, not standing in the middle of the room, not standing with the refridge door open, not standing with your mouth open ... Those are in the "Not Standing..." chapter.

But, we have bigger fish to fry than that. We are going to go to the "Etiquette on Lying" chapter.

Mother's rules are non-negotiable. You don't have to agree with them, see a need for them, or understand them. Since it is mostly Conservative Right-Wing Republican Christian men who Put Women on a Pedestal (never have I seen this) that seem to have a need for re-education, this should appeal to your traditional values! My mother was a Democrat outside our home, but inside, that woman was a dictator.

Here are two of Mother's rules for life:

Do not lie by commission, omission, distortion, bragging, exaggeration... or any other sneaky method you can think up. If it isn't the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, it isn't the truth. And, do not make Mother think of the exactly correct wording to find out the exact truth--because she counts that as dishonesty. Whew!

Do not call anyone a "liar" or accuse people of "lying." Ohhhh, how I hated that rule. Still do.

So what to do when some lying liar is lying to you. As children, to be blunt, we were screwed. Totally defenseless. Kid lies to you. Not even allowed to call the kid a liar. That stinks.

So, I made two excellent decisions. One: I ignore the rule about accusing people of lying when ring-tailed smarmy smirking lying bustards tell bare-faced lies about actual factual provable facts!

Two: I pretend I am a scientist. I just keep stating the facts. Re-stating the facts. Defending the facts. It isn't really calling anyone a liar or accusing them of lying -- just a discussion of fact.

Oh!!! This is why Republicans don't believe in science. Shhhhh... they have it confused with religion and think that if they don't believe in gravity, they are not bound by the rules of gravity. Ahhhh... can I say it? Does this have anything to do with being... No. Not going there.

Romney and Ryan, you are liars. Big fat liars. Pants on fire liars. And, you think you have Democrats tied up in knots because most of polite society, like my mother, has not come up with an attractive response to a bare-faced lie told by a bare-faced ring-tailed liar? And, the public does not like hearing people accused of lying or being liar?

I hope not. I hope not. Keep on speaking truth to power.

With buckets and buckets of love for all those that disagree with me! It is my belief that we can have different values, different opinions, different belief systems -- but, we cannot have different facts.

Go get 'im, Joe!

Your friend,


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