Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Dear Narcissists and Those Who Love Them

Beloveds, our watch-dog media are chasing Twitter squirrels while the GOP steals our democracy through the device of a ranting raving ignorant narcissist.

In defense of normal/healthy people: Many people have never had the privilege of interacting with/being closely related to a serious narcissist. It is... disgusting. That's what it is.

Narcissists are a gaping maw of greed - for money, attention, fame, love, respect... with absolutely no feelings that they should reciprocate. It hurts the healthy person's eyes to look at a narcissist.

Most of us cannot believe our eye. We think it is all a giant misunderstanding. It isn't.

We think that the vile behavior is covering up a sad lack of self-esteem. It isn't.

The faster that we face reality the faster we can address reality:

> Narcissists are irrational.

> Narcissists lie. It is what they do.

> They do not experience shame or embarrassed.

> When caught in a lie, they deny and deny and deny.

> They are perfectly confident lying to witnesses of their actions.

> They do not experience remorse.

> They do not feel sad or happy for others.

> They have -0- empathy.

> They do not change directions.

> They are not influenced by anything except their own needs & wants.

> If they appear to love someone, it is because that person is a source or gratification to them. A "supply."

> They do not feel love.

"Narcissistic personality disorder is indicated by five or more of the following symptoms:

"Exaggerates own importance

"Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence or ideal romance

"Believes he or she is special and can only be understood by other special people or institutions

"Requires constant attention and admiration from others

"Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment

"Takes advantage of others to reach his or her own goals

"Disregards the feelings of others, lacks empathy

"Is often envious of others or believes other people are envious of him or her

"Shows arrogant behaviors and attitudes
50%-75% of the people diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder are male. Additionally, it is common for many adolescents to display the characteristics listed above; this does not indicate that they will later develop narcissistic personality disorder.


Causes of narcissistic personality disorder are not yet well-understood. Genetic and biological factors as well as environment and early life experiences are all thought to play a role in the development of this condition. "


My love to you healthy normal compassionate people!

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