Saturday, June 22, 2013

Dear Teacher Haters: Oh Grow Up

Dear Teacher Haters: 

Oh, grow up. You are being used by the rich and powerful. The POWERS THAT BE are managing to starve our educational system by creating hatred of school teachers and you are an example. And, I know who you are: you are the jerks who said, "Na nana booboo!" in kindergarten, aren't you?

Here is a post from a Facebook friend of mine and veteran teacher Rachel Maciejewski:

Most of you who really know me know that I have been teaching the children in Milwaukee for the past 25 years. I love my profession, students, their families and my school. I’ve worked in schools/environments that many would have run away from. 

Prior to Act 10, I never really understood or cared much about the political ramifications of my profession. I did not pay attention. After reading and educating myself on the issues, I began to see how the last budget was going to affect my students and my own children and I began to speak up. I am not going to apologize for who I am or for my beliefs when it comes to children. 

In the past two years, I have been called names, had my salary posted on FB by people I thought were friends and watched some of my good friends sit by and say NOTHING while that happened to me. I spoke up about the new budget last night and got this response: 

“@ Rachel Maciejewski - How much do you make from Union thugs?? how much do you suck from the tax payers on a yearly basis....well guess what? that number just dropped $650 million as that money goes back into the pockets of where it belongs: the tax payers. Monopolized public schools have abused their monopoly in the market place as they have "bargained" for higher and higher wages and benefits that we, the tax payers, had absolutely no say in when it came to the negotiation process. That process is NO MORE. WE are back in charge....NOT you. Its OUR money, NOT yours. WE are the boss....NOT you. You do what WE say. If you don't like it, then quit.” 

I’m done trying to justify why I chose teaching as a profession. I’m done trying to explain that I am also a taxpayer and that I work for the benefits and salary I earn. When I went to UW-Madison I did not say to myself “Oh, let me become a teacher and screw the taxpayers of Wisconsin.” 

I have taught 26 years, have two degrees and cannot even tell you how many extra classes I have paid for to renew my license and/or to learn more about my profession. I work hard and my family rarely gets to see me or spend time with me. If that makes me the enemy in Wisconsin and you agree with the person I quoted above, please unfriend me. I’m not going to apologize for who I am, what I believe in or for fighting for what is best for my children and students. I’m done being the “punching bag” for others who have no clue. I will know who truly I am blessed to have as my friends in the end. ]

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