Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Dear Cardinal Sinners

Dear Sinners:
My life has been a little boring for the past week, so I thought I’d do a little research on sin.
Imagine my surprise! I thought that the 7 Deadly Sins all ended in “sexuality” as in homo…sexuality, hetero…sexuality, elder…sexuality...
Imagine my surprise! Consenting adults—you can breathe deeply. I meant easily. You can breathe easily.
However, my dear Republicans who have been writing and speaking maliciously and enviously of teachers, union workers and all other accomplished, glamorous, and wealthy people—this letter is for you!
We are all sinners, of course. The difference being that some of us know it and some don’t.
Hope I didn’t hurt your feelings! Oh, you didn’t get it~
Well, I am talking about the Seven Cardinal Sins, of course! Envy in particular!
The Party of Family Values sure is making sinners out of their followers. This is one of the best tactics in the major “Divide and Conquor” strategy and it is working like a Fleet Enema—bringing out the stinkiest in humankind.
I’ve written about this before but I just cannot look away even though it makes my eyes sting, my lungs burn, and, frankly my heart ache for the sinner.
OK, so, let’s talk sin. “Sin” with a capital “S.” Mortal Sin. Sin that destroys from the inside. Sin that destroys the humanity of a person, the charity, the life of grace and compassion. Charity—as in “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity…” Sin that brings the threat of you know where and what. Sin that destroys the loving heart.
Ah… You thought we were just talking politics, didn’t you? No, it is never, “just politics.” Never. Politics is nothing more than the public expression of your private soul—I can seeeeeee you! And, vice versa.
Envy isn’t just greed. It is more malicious than greed. Envy is deeper than greed. It is uglier than greed.
That is why it makes my eyes burn to look at envy. That is why you have a catch in your throat when you read something written with raw unadulterated envy. 
It hurts to see so many people that want to lower the standard of living of those they envy rather than improve their own lives and those of every human being. Wow. That makes my chest hurt.
The Mortal Sin of envy is a desire to deprive others of what they have. Not the desire to go out and get it for themselves. The desire to take something away from others.
So, my dear Sinners, for the love of Pete I am sick of seeing your exposed psyches in public! Put on some psychological clothing, for crying out loud! I know all I ever wanted to, and more, about your sorry excuse for a soul!

Do little old ladies still say to children, “Now, don’t be ugly,” when they say and do repulsive things? I think not, by the way some people are comporting themselves!
The Republican strategy of “Divide and Conquer” isn’t going to change because we let it work.
Enviers, I still love you. I really, really do! I am simply gobsmacked as to why you would envy a Kindergarten teacher’s salary instead of … say… the net worth of a Koch brother or two? Oh, the teachers only work 9 months a year and the Koch brothers inherited the foundation of their wealth! Now, I get it!
Well, slackers, if I were not in fear for my immortal soul and what the neighbors would think, I would be envious of stinking rich beautiful people under 30 years of age. But, what do I know? Maybe you know something about teachers I don’t.

Your friend,

PS Sorry to have no faith in your reading comprehension, but you write ignorant, nasty, envy filled diatribes all over the internet and sign your real names. This reveals to the world the contents of your soul. Please stop because it ruins my dinner.
PPS Great idea--Have protests at churches protesting greed, pride, envy, and gluttony on the part of the wealthy!
PPPS I am guilty of wrath. And, sloth. And,glutton. And, some other thingys. 

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