Thursday, May 9, 2019


Dearest Men:
I know. I know. You know everything! You have been very lucky in that. Lucky to be born the privileged gender and that comes with the capacity to know absolutely everything about everything and everyone and to use your microphone.
I worship your superior height, muscle mass, intelligence, knowledge, expertise... Well, I just adore men!
Isn't it a miracle that you know more about family planning, pregnancy, childbirth, obstetrics, gynecology, mental health, pediatrics... well... really everything in the world than all the experts and all those with direct personal real experience!
What a miracle! Seriously, now, I am enraged.
The abortion discussion is dominated by:
> Men
> People who have no knowledge or experience whatsoever of reproductive health, obstetrics, gynecology, etc.
> Men who have no personal experience whatsoever of these issues
> Men who are sadly misinformed or maliciously sharing disinformation
From the beginning of time:
> Adam ate the apple; Eve got the blame.
> Women have been totally responsible for saying, "No."
> Women are totally responsible for keeping themselves from getting pregnant
> Many women are totally responsible for their children.
> It is a woman's life that is ruined if she gets pregnant when
+ She is too young
+ She is too poor
+ She is uneducated
+ She has too many other children
+ She has too many other responsibilities
+ She would rather be dead than pregnant
> It is women who pay the price for unplanned pregnancy even though we do not get pregnant alone
+ She has been the subject of such pity, censure, criticism, etc that many women would rather be dead
+ She is the one who has to endure a hated pregnancy
+ She, in the past, is the one who had to go away, have a baby at a "home," and give it away in adoption
+ She is the 11 y/o or 14 y/o who doesn't even understand what is happening to her body
+ She is the mentally ill woman or girl who cannot comprehend being pregnant or raise a baby
+ She is the developmentally disabled girl or woman who doesn't have a clue that her uncle, or father or brother impregnated her.
+ She is the victim of sexual assault who will wonder all of her life about the genetics of the child that she has carried
> It is a woman's body that experiences pregnancy and childbirth whether or not
+ She has adequate nutrition
+ She has adequate shelter
+ She is in good health
+ She has any medical care
+ She is living in a war zone, a drought, a flood
It is her rights that are prioritized last by anti-abortion laws.
Women have carried all the responsibility and have had no power whatsoever.
With all love, I say: Gentlemen, sit down and shut up.

Love, VLL

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