Dear Political Parties and...
VIPP's (Very Important Political People) & VRD's (Very Rich Donor's):
I love you to pieces! I don't know you, but I sure know who you are. What's not to love!?!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for thinking for me! For choosing my candidates and making all political decisions for us women! I appreciate that you let me know who you are choosing for me! Thank you so very much for suppressing the candidates that women want to run! What would happen to the world order if our choices were taken into account?!? You are really looking our for us, in spite of what people say.
Hmmmm... I know that you know that women have uhhhh ... uteri. Oh, wait, I am not sure that you realize that we have uteri -- based on comments by politicians. We do have uteri.
[Thank you for looking out for our reproductive care! You are looking out for us, aren't you? Do you know what reproductive care is? Did you know that we have uteri? Can you define Fallopian tube?]
And, yes, we are awash in female hormones. We are prone to hysteria and tend to vote only for attractive men -- so you better watch out. JK. We are unable to think straight because of throbbing ... hormones.
We would be lost without you and your firm guidance and sage-like wisdom!
Thank you so much for allowing me to get an education - in spite of being female! To become a professional - in spite of my hormones! To earn a living - in spite of fits of hysteria! To travel the world - in spite of my fragility! To pay taxes. To have a retirement plan! And, to get rich off Social Security - in spite of just being the little lady! I love cat food, BTW.
I am buying stock in Purina, BTW!
Oh, wait. I am female. A woman. A girl. A daughter, sister, mother, aunt.
And, who do you choose for me to vote for? Men! Men who do not have a history of treating women well.
But, I've got big news: Women have the right to vote in the USA! Wow. You didn't know, did you?
Yes: The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted American women the right to vote, a right known as women's suffrage, and was ratified on August 18, 1920, ending almost a century of protest.
In two years, we will be celebrating 400 years of suffrage! No... 200? No, we have only had the right to vote for 98 years this August 18.
And, that makes me furious. So, did you know that some of us "spite vote?" Yes, we vote just to prove that we can!
My grandmothers and all of my great aunts and all of my matriarchs were born without the right to vote. But, they still ran farms and businesses or went out and got jobs when widowed - or, God forbid, when divorced. Or... they took jobs as poor women have always done.
They followed the laws of the land.
They still paid taxes.
They still paid taxes! Taxation without representation. They couldn't vote but they weren't exempt from paying taxes! Whaaaaa????
I bet that, in spite of what the polls say, there are lots of Republican women who are disgusted with the candidate that VIPP's and VRD's graciously chose for them.
I am
disgusted with elected Democrats, VIPP's and VRD's choosing candidates for voters at all. By the time they add their money, their power, their influence... Did I mention money & power & influence?
Your system has motivated many hysterical, misguided, ill-informed women who are drunk on estrogen to run for office.
Well, women, we better get to the polls and vote for these #WonderWomen who are #RunningAndWinning
A record number of women are running for office this year - and, winning! Running and winning. I like the sound of that.
Have our illustrious overwhelmingly male political leaders failed to notice that over half the population is women?
We vote. We donate
money. We volunteer in droves.
majority of volunteers on every campaign is women.
So, watch out. We are #RunningandWinning.
Voting in Spite Forever Yours,
Viviain LL